Welcome to the NYSMICJ Membership Portal

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Become a member and log in to gain access to membership renewal, documents, our job board, and professional forum. 

*If you are having issues logging in, please check the bottom right corner of this page for a button that says "membership has lapsed." Click on that button to visit your profile and renew your membership.


Become a NYSMICJ Member!

We rely on NYSMICJ members and sponsors to support our minorities in criminal justice. Membership with NYSMICJ is voluntary and allows us to continue providing professional development and networking events to our affected community. Get access to our job board, member forum, and more.

Membership Pledge: by joining, I agree to the following conditions:

1. To support and promote the general welfare and goals of the organization and; 

2. To attend or help organize scheduled regional activities and;

3. To participate in one or more annual event or community service project. 

Members must renew their membership annually to receive benefit and other NYSMICJ opportunities.

Application for membership by any individual or organization is subject to review and may be rejected by the Board of Directors.

Apply for our membership!

We offer three different membership levels. Please select the option that pertains to you and fill out the application.  Online payment requires a debit/credit card.

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Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level

NYSMICJ is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 
NYSMICJ, Inc., P.O. Box 5062, Albany, NY 12205

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software